Welcome to the September edition of our newsletter!
Bringing you our latest discoveries in high-throughput screening, genomic and cellular analysis, colony selection, and microplate detection. Visit us at: moleculardevices.com
Check out our NEW SpectraMax® Mini video that demonstrates the various applications of the reader and highlights how the new user-friendly instrument gives you exactly what you need when you need it.
Save time and money with a microplate reader and washer bundle
Improve your lab’s efficiency, get more data, and decrease your time to discovery when you combine the benefits of an automated microplate washer and microplate reading - and save a bundle with our limited-time offer.
Leverage automated, end-to-end workflows to enable complex organoid assays
Date and time:
Tuesday, Sept 13, 2022 11:00am EDT
Join industry experts as they discuss best practices for automating cell and organoid workflows and examine how to alleviate pain points when translating bench protocols to automated methods.
How 3D Biology is shaping the future of drug discovery
Date and time: Wednesday, Sept 7, 2022 11:00am EDT
Join experts as they discuss the promise of 3D biology and organoids for advancing drug discovery, examine how to overcome the challenges involved, and discuss what the future of organoid research might look like.
AI-Powered Phenotypic Profiling Revolutionizes Drug Discovery
Dr. Angeline Lim of Molecular Devices collaborated with Dr. David Egan from Core Life Analytics to co-author this article showing how high-content imagers paired with AI-powered analytics can cut through data deluge to advance drug discovery.
CRISPR - with Dr. Jakob Haaber and Dr. Richard Fox
Tune in to hear about how CRISPR edits genes, how it can be applied to both industrial bioproduction and microbiome engineering and why this field is yet to see more exciting innovation!
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